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Your Cameron Powers Project instrumental CD is incredibly on-target! It’s one of the only truly “in-tune” performances I know of. The shift to the soul-stirring ancient harmonies is now complete in you. They are so internalized that you can dance freely there, and the result is breathtaking. The “minor” thirds and sixths sound so much more powerful than the same minor intervals in western tuning. The sevenths are incredibly evocative. I know you studied and practiced hard to find these notes, but now that the heavy intellectual lifting has been done, you have uncovered a treasure trove of brilliant sound that far surpasses any academic or intellectual achievement. This is no academic exercise, it’s a bringing to the surface the radiant jewels that had been buried in our hearts for too long.
Love always,
Chris Mohr – Microtonal Composer
I’m just getting the chance to listen to the Cameron Powers Project CD! WOWIE! It’s wonderful. I’m taking it with me to Vegas for driving music. I’m shimmying in the car. Its gorgeous. I’ll use it in dance church as DJ soon! So proud of your accomplishments Cameron. You AMAZE ME!
Christine Stevens,MSW, MT-BC
Music Medicine,(Sounds True)
Congratulations. Good stuff. I enjoyed the CD. Thank you for sharing.
Naser Musa – Jordanian Oud Player – Songwriter
For my Birthday I received the new Cameron Powers CD caution: do not try to drive listening to it! I found myself in another world and had to park! It transports one straight to the heart and beauty! I LOVE cut 3 Breath of an Angel. Master musicians exploring rhythms and maqams!
Diane Eger
Your new album sounds GREAT!! I mean gorgeous!
Ariana Saraha – Singer Songwriter
Cameron grew up with Mississippi River Blues Beginnings as a 14-year-old electric guitar-playing band member in St Louis, Missouri… Cameron was there on the dance floor while Ike and Tina Turner were presenting their first scorching hot music in the Chuck Berry friendly ecstasy of alcoholic rural party-times in the Afro-American dominated youth scene… Then on to the Tear-Soaked musical majesties of the Peruvian Andes… To the Time-stopping hesitation Black Hole musical mysteries of Athens, Greece… To the Divine Feminine Eternal Worship Dance in the Telepathically-Jeweled Musical Venues of Cairo, Amman and Damascus… To 70,000 miles of Touring the Amalgam Mix of the Cauldron called the USA… An amazing wild ride of a lifetime spent playing for people to dance!
This CD is a reflection of Cameron’s years of immersion in the music of Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Greece.
Eighteen original songs form the skeleton of the 5 tracks on this Cameron Powers Project CD. The whole magical musical animal is fleshed out with lots of instrumental improvisation. Although lyrics have been composed for many of these songs, the instrumental textures feel so rich that the decision was made to present the vocal leads on a later CD.
The 18 songs embedded in these 5 tracks are written in the following Egyptian modes, or “maqams:”
Track 1: Deep Surrender – Maqams Saba and Shehnaz
Track 2: Wide Open Heart – Maqams Shehnaz, Hijaz Awji, Nawa Athar, Bayati, Sikah
Track 3: Breath of an Angel – Maqams Sikah, Kurd, Ajem, Husseyni
Track 4: Perfect Shining Tiger – Maqams Suznak, Athar Kurd, Hijaz Kar, Jaharka, Nahawand, Hijaz Gharib
Track 5: All of the Moons — Maqams Rahat al Arwah, Rast, Huzam, Hijaz Kar
The rhythms used are all from traditional dance forms from Egypt, Syria, Greece, Iraq and Turkey. They have been beaten into the earth by dancing feet for thousands of years and are counted in measures of three, four, five, seven, eight, nine and ten. They have names like Maqsum, Ayyub, Syrto, Karsilama, Kalamatiano, Jurjina, Dabke, Tsiftitelli, Wahda, Malfuf.
The non-profit organization Musical Missions of Peace was created to help perpetuate the Musical Ambassador activities of Cameron Powers, Kristina Sophia and others who have traveled and performed in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Indonesia with the intention of honoring beautiful indigenous music and dance traditions.
Special Thanks to Eva Soltes:
Administrator of Artist Residency Programs at Harrison House in Joshua Tree, CA where Cameron composed these songs!
Special Thanks to Kristina Sophia:
for taking the cover photo and for endless loving co-creativity!
Initial Recording Sessions: Four Mile Canyon Underground
Studio Mixing by Cameron Powers
Studio Mastering by Gilly Gonzalez
Copyright © 2012 by Cameron Powers
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