Maqam Practice Tracks — Downloadable Version
Perfect Harmony of Just Intonation
** Beyond Quartertones **
We return to the true ancient roots of Perfect Harmony
21 Different Arabic Music Modes
Available on 6 CD’s
Additional Track Included: Modulation Practice
A total of 22 Tracks: Six Hours of Practice Material
Listen to Explanation on Video
Arabic Musical Scales and most other maqam teaching systems rely on the “quartertone” concept for determining pitches of notes in various maqam intervals.
These teachings are a great start, but quartertones do not take us to the heart of the matter.
We must return to the laws of physics which determine the harmonic roots of all ancient indigenous music systems…
These musical laws of harmony are called “just intonation.”
If you already purchased one of my books:
Arabic Musical Scales
Harmonic Secrets of Arabic Music
…or if you have approached from some other direction and are learning to play Arabic music with its fascinating and beautiful maqam system, then you are already trying to find the musical intervals on your instrument or with your voice…
I have designed this series of 15 minute tracks to try and help you…
Listen to a short 20-second Sample Track: Turn Up Your Volume So You Can Hear Sound Quality
D Hijaz Gharib Short Maqam Practice Sample:
Each Practice Track Moves Slowly Through Musical Phrases — Sometimes with Rhythm and Sometimes without — So the Student has Plenty of Time to Practice by Playing Along with any Instrument of Choice — Great for Singers Too —
Each Track is Actually 15 Minutes Long!
How Can We Visualize and Understand the Physics of “Just Intonation” and “Perfect Harmony?”
Check out these Harmonograph Images Below:
Harmonographic image below shows the symmetrical sound waves of Justly Intonated intervals.
This is an example of the Perfect Harmony Still Used in Egypt: a Justly Intonated Major 6th.
Next harmonographic image below shows the out-of-tune interference patterns from sound waves created by Modern Western Equal Tempered intervals.
This example is of the same interval: an Equally Tempered Major 6th.
Arab Musicians Insist on These Intriguing Musical Facts:
“I’ve identified at least 12 notes between my lowest e-flat and my highest e-natural.”
– Sami Shumays, Arab Violinist
In order to play the microtonal pitches accurately we must learn to hear and produce the justly intonated pitches. That is what these teachings are about.
Cameron Powers has spent 35 years studying, performing and finally understanding these underlying truths about the beauty of Arabic music…
Take advantage of all that work…
These 22 Practice Tracks are unique…
There are no other teaching tools on the market which offer these traditional and beautiful music scales recorded in the perfect harmonic intervals which actually preserve ancient musical wisdom and are in accord with the laws of physics…
Suppose you hear an amazing piece of Middle Eastern music…
…like this Azerbaijani oboe improvisation in maqam sikah…
Azerbaijanis call this musical genre as «mugam»,
Turks and Arabians as «makam»,
Persians as «destgah»,
Indians as «paga»,
Tadjiks and Uzbeks as «makom»,
Turkmens and Uygurs as «mukam»,
the Japanese as «gaganu»,
Indonesians as «patet»,
the Kazakhs as «kuy»,
the Kirghiz as «ky»,
Pakistani as «khayyal».
Each CD lasts One Hour. Each of the 5 CD’s contains 4 different maqam tracks. Each maqam practice track lasts 15 minutes. An additional track on the 6th CD illustrates the art of modulating from one related maqam to another.
Demonstration on Video
How to use your instrument or your voice with these recorded teaching tracks…
To learn the common musical phrases in the maqams we must learn the traditional Arabic repertoire.
But all music students who approach Arabic music are faced with the same problem: “What are the correct pitches for the notes in the different maqams?”
That is what these Maqam Teaching Tracks are designed to help you with!
Western Music Problem Number One:
The Amazing Musical Cage in which we are Trapped by having only 12 notes per octave…
“Imagine all artists are told by the art industry that 12 standard colors are enough for their art, and there is never a need to tint or shade or mix colors.
Practically speaking, this is the situation which exists in the music world today.
12 equally spaced pitches per octave are the default modern music industry standard, but 12 pitches represent less than 5% of the pitches that the average person is capable of responding to.
Research has proven that on average, around 200 different pitches can be heard within one octave, and like unique colors, they all have unique effects; many more than 12 of them sound “good”; in fact, they are all expressive and useful for art.
Imagine what kind of new music is possible when all of the pitches are available…”
— Aaron Andrew Hunt
“Nobody dares tell a painter not to use this or that color. There is no law ordering sculptors to use only marble under the chisel…
I dare to predict that when more tuning systems are available to composers, the contrast of moods will be a most powerful addition to any composer’s vocabulary.”
— Ivor Darreg
This photo uses a full pallet of colors for display:
Whereas this photo is allowed only 12 colors for display:
How many musical notes do you want to know about?
The 12-note scale imposes a huge limitation on Western music, but that’s not the biggest problem…
Western Music Problem Number Two: The Even More Limiting Musical Cage in which we are Trapped by Using the Western Musical Tuning Standard known as “Equal Temperament” keeps us playing notes which are out of tune!
If you have reached the point of being interested in these CD’s, you already know about the magic of just intonation vs equal temperament…
Here is another quick explanation…
What is Perfect Harmony?
Above we see two wavelengths from 2 different Notes in a music scale which are in Perfect Harmony.
There is a simple mathematical ratio, like 3 to 2, which defines this Harmony.
You can see that the Harmonious notes nest together and consequently sound GREAT together!
We Would Like To Be Able To Play Perfectly Harmonious Music, But Unfortunately Our Western Instruments Are Tuned Like This:
Above we see two wavelengths from 2 different Notes in a Western Major Music Scale which are NOT in Perfect Harmony…
You can see that the notes do NOT nest together and consequently they don’t sound harmonious to someone who has learned to listen carefully!
Unfortunately, Western culture lost its Harmonious Musical Tuning about 150 years ago and most European and American audiences can no longer even hear the difference!
After you purchase, listen to, and play or sing along with these electronically produced tracks which present 21 different maqams… …plus work with the additional 22nd track which is an introduction to the art of modulating from one scale to another…
Your musicianship can take a quantum leap!
You will know the secret of bringing your audiences into an ecstatic state!
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